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Copyright © 2017 Thea Gudgeon






Pilates & Structural Integration

Thea Gudgeon

KMI is designed to unwind the process of common and individual strain patterns, and reduce structural stress. The process looks at the body as a whole rather than targeting specific areas.

For chronic and long-held patterns, it is not enough to release the muscular holding, although this can be beneficial in the short term. KMI aims to release and reposition fascia, whilst re-integrating the movement patterns so that they stay easily in their correct position.

Where an osteopath or chiropractor will manipulate bones back into place to create structural ease, a Structural Integrator will reposition the fascia we believe is pulling bones out of place. By making these lasting adjustments the new alignment simply becomes part of who you are, without the need for repeated work or the need to regularly see a practitioner to maintain it.

We work with a wide range of touch (not just deep) to evoke lasting and progressive change. Our process of ‘body reading’ allows a logical and unfolding visual analysis of the changes taking place throughout the process. By basing the sessions around the myofascial continuities of the body, the entire body is covered, starting with the superficial layers, moving to deep and then integrating the body as a whole.

How does KMI Structural Integration work?